Saturday, December 5, 2009

A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.

I've been reading about G.K. Chesterton lately. Interesting guy. We both share terrible memory and clumsiness as kids. I'm still clumsy but i hide it by pretending to intend to be clumsy, a lot of the time it doesn't work.

But anyhow, i had a blood test yesterday and my white blood cell count is at a healthy level, CELEBRATIONS!

I was at podge's house yesterday and i learned a good bit about playing blues piano, we may start a band some time in the future, i didn't really like blues until yesterday.

Oh, on Thursday i went to my creative writing class at the writers centre. I was a bit nervous because i submitted a story to the class last week, i suspected it would be acutely criticized and i wouldn't be able to show my face in that class again.
But, i was pleasantly surprised to find out EVERYBODY loved it.
Awesome favourite review was "I loved how nothing actually happens"

Also, Tegan and Sara's new album "Sainthood" is amazing. Buy it!
first two songs are the best.

Guten Tag.

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