Saturday, February 13, 2010

Killing moods Is my forte, with extreme vehemence I stalk my prey, are you feeling happiness?

I got a polar bear club teesh and of corpse Laurence got the same one, except with sleeves, I suppose I'll have to call him every time I want to wear it.

Today I found out Amy is a complete disappointed.

Ah, I love young wolves, they make me feel young again.

Today I realised that taste in music is a lot like taste in women, y'know you might have like a fling with a band and then realise they're shit, but there are those amazing bands or singers or whatever that you don't like at first but over time you realise these people are genius and you end up having this amazing, fulfilling, exciting relationship with them.

Q.I. is on soon, hoorah, laters.

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